Following the success of our previous events in London, Liverpool, Bristol, Preston, Huddersfield and Leicester, we would like to invite you to the twelfth of the Black British History Workshops (WHBBHXII), which will be held at Bangor University in North Wales on Thursday 30th April 2020. The Institute of Commonwealth Studies is delighted that the event will continue to be co-sponsored by our fellow institute at the School of Advanced Study, the Institute of Historical Research.
The aim of the series is to foster a creative dialogue between researchers, educationalists (mainstream and supplementary), artists and writers, archivists and curators, and policy makers. It seeks to identify and promote innovative new research into the history of people of African origin or descent in the UK and facilitate discussion of the latest developments in the dissemination of Black British history in a wide variety of settings including the media, the classroom and lecture hall, and museums and galleries, thus providing an opportunity to share good practice.
We welcome proposals for papers and presentations on a wide variety of themes relating to the history of people of African origin or descent in the UK. As we will be in Wales, proposals relating to Black Welsh History are particularly welcome.
We would be delighted to hear from researchers, educationalists, archivists and curators or others interested in offering a presentation, lasting for 15-20 minutes. Please submit a title and a brief description of your presentation (no more than 300 words) as an attached Word document also stating your name, contact details, and, if you have them, Institution and Twitter handle to Professor Philip Murphy at [email protected] by Monday 16th March 2020.
In addition, we would be happy to consider proposals for a complete panel. The panel should have a coherent unifying theme, and the proposal should include the abstracts of three related presentations and the names and affiliations of the presenters. We would also be very interested in providing A-level students, undergraduates or graduate students with an opportunity to give presentations on projects relating to Black British History.
The day will run from 11am to 6.00pm, followed by a Reception. There will be a registration fee of £24 (£12 for students/unwaged) which includes lunch and refreshments. We are able to offer a small fee and travel bursaries to those speakers without institutional affiliation or support. Please register at